François Couperin, 1668-1733; Pièces d'orgue - 1696
- Plein jeu | fonds 16, 8, 4, 2 + mixture (+ bourdon)
- Plein jeu | fonds 8, 4, 2, mixture, trompettes 8, 4
- Petit plein jeu | positiv: no 16, may have reeds 8, 4
- Grand jeu | Great: bourdon, mutations, cornet, prestant 4, trompette 8, 4
- Petit jeu | same on positif - cromhorne if no trompette
Stop used to be a stop, is now a GO!
Gothic Blokwerk
The music grew out of the instrument; the wrong organ for the music will not be playing the music.
A one stop organ would be a mixture
Prohibit inequality by:
- dots over notes
- more than a pair of notes slurred togeher
- égales
- marqué
- martelées
- détachées
- également
- croches égales
Fenner Douglass, The Language of the Classical French Organ, New Haven, 1969.
Robert Davidson(?), "Ornaments," Graves, 5th edition, VI, page 448 (notes inégales)
Frederick Neumann, "Inégales," Harvard Dictionary of Music, 2nd edition, page 412.
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